GlucoBrium 60 VegiCaps


Product Description

Studies have long demonstrated the benefits of gymnemaand fenugreek in maintaining healthy blood sugarmetabolism. Recent studies indicate that cinnamonmay also play a critical role in blood sugar maintenance.Consuming large amounts of the spice cinnamon wouldbe difficult and have potentially adverse effects.GlucoBrium contains Cinnulin PF, a unique water-solublecinnamon extract that has been shown to safelysupport blood sugar metabolism within the body.GlucoBrium is available in vegetarian capsules andcontains no animal derivatives.GlucoBrium, provided by Douglas Laboratories, supplies a synergisticcombination of Gymnema sylvestre, fenugreek and cinnamon extractsdesigned to support healthy blood sugar metabolism.Glucose metabolism that is associated with abnormally highblood glucose can lead to high levels of glycation. Glycation is the non-enzymaticattachment of sugars to major molecules in the body, including proteins,lipids, and nucleic acids. Glycation reactions generate advanced glycationend-products (AGEs) and glycotoxin intermediates. AGEs cause abnormaland destructive functioning of body proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.AGE-associated damage is suspected in age-related deteriorations.Gymnema sylvestre is an Ayurvedic botanical that may assist in the normalregeneration and development of healthy pancreatic beta cells. Gymnema isalso suspected of reducing intestinal glucose absorption. Native to India, thiswoody, climbing plant has many traditional uses. Gymnemic acid, an activecomponent of Gynema sylvestre, has been identified in numerous animal studiesto help support healthy blood sugar levels. Human studies have indicated itmay be useful in healthy glucose metabolism.Fenugreek, a popular spice in Asia and Europe, contains a high percentageof mucilage, a soluble dietary fiber. Soluble dietary fiber plays importantroles in the digestive system, helping to inhibit the absorption of sugars andfats and causing blood sugar levels to rise at a slower rate. Some


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