Nature Made SAM-e Complete 400mg, 36 Tablets


Product Description

Dietary Supplement. S-Adenosylmethionine. Clinically Proven: Mood Support; Joint Comfort; Liver Health. Sam-E (S-Adenosylmethionine) is a naturally occurring compound found in all living organisms. In humans, Sam-E is distributed throughout the body and is involved in may biochemical processes. Since significant amount of Sam-E are not available through diet alone, the body is primarily responsible for producing its own Sam-e. Scientists know that Sam-e declines as people age and that certain groups of people, including those with low mood and liver conditions, tend to have lower levels of Sam-E in their bodies. Over 100 clinical studies involving thousands of people have proven that Sam-E supplementation benefits a multitude of body functions including: Mood Support - Enhances mood by promoting a healthy balance of neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, which are part of overall healthy brain cell functions. Joint Comfort - Promotes joint health by helping to maintain joint cartridge which naturally deteriorates with physical activity and age. Liver Health - Helps support detoxification and overall healthy liver functions. MoodPlus Sam-E is the same form of Sam-E available and administered for over 20 years by doctors in Europe. It is the only form of Sam-E studied in over two decades of research, as well as the most documented form in respected medical journals. Short and long-term studies have proven that Sam-E is a safe, non-toxic and efficacious product to support your health. Sam-E Tablets made to Nature Made's guaranteed purity and potency standards. Made in Italy. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)

Feeling moody or out of sorts? Start to feel like yourself again with Nature Made SAM-e Complete. Clinically proven to help support healthy moods and joint comfort, SAM-e, or S-adenosylmethionine, is a naturally occurring molecule produced by your body. Various factors, like diet or aging, can cause SAM-e levels to deplete, which may negatively affect your mood. Adding an SAM-e supplement to your diet can begin naturally restoring a healthy mood in as little as 7 to 14 days.

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Nature Made SAM-e Complete
At a Glance:
  • Supports healthy moods and joint comfort by balancing brain cell functions

  • Yields positive results in 7 to 14 days

  • No artificial flavors or preservatives

  • Yeast and gluten free

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Nature Made SAM-e Complete (36 tablets, 400 mg/each) Product Shot

Contains no artificial flavors, preservatives, yeast, or gluten.
Nature Made SAM-e Complete (36 tablets, 400 mg/each) Product Shot

Help support healthy moods and joint comfort with SAM-E. View larger.
How SAM-e Works
SAM-e naturally restores a healthy mood by promoting a balance of brain cell functions. The SAM-e molecule is responsible for over 100 reactions in the body, including making neural transmitters and proteins, and acts as a master switch to keep cells working properly. People who are feeling out of sorts or moody generally have a depleted level of SAM-e.

Supports Healthy Mood and Joint Comfort
Though SAM-e is manufactured in most cells of the body, there are no direct dietary sources for the enzyme. Diet and aging are two of the factors that may lead to decreased levels of SAM-e in the body, which can cause joint pain and altered moods. Supplementing your diet with Nature Made SAM-e Complete has been clinically proven to yield positive results in 7 to 14 days.

Natural Ingredients for a Healthy Supplement
SAM-e Complete is made to Nature Made's purity and potency standards. This product contains no artificial flavors, preservatives, yeast, or gluten.

About Nature Made: A Commitment to Great Vitamins
Nature Made is committed to making the highest quality vitamins and supplements possible. Their products are designed to be science-based, safe, and effective for your health and wellness needs. Before a vitamin or supplement is produced for public consumption, it has passed through a rigorous evaluation process. From ingredient purity to manufacturing excellence, Nature Made products are independently certified for quality, purity, strength and consistency, giving you peace of mind that you can trust what you're putting into your body.

What's in the Box
Nature Made SAM-e Complete (36 tablets, 400 mg/each).


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