Organic Maca 800mg - 100 Tablets


Product Description

The Maca plant is grown at the extreme altitude of 3500 - 4500 meters (12,000 - 15,000 ft) in the Andes Mountains of Peru, where only alpine grasses and bitter potatoes can survive. Rich in vitamins and nutrients, the Maca root has been used for at least 2000 years by the indigenous peoples of the region for energy, stamina, and fertility. Inca warriors ate Maca before battles for energy. When Peru was established as a Spanish colony, the colonists noticed their livestock were not reproducing in the high altitudes. After the indigenous peoples showed them that feeding Maca to their animals boosted fertility, Maca was accepted as a currency to pay taxes. Research shows that Maca affects the endocrine system via the pituitary gland in both men and women. Maca aids the pituitary gland to regulate hormones to an optimal balance. The endocrine system's improved function results in a higher quality of sperm and sperm count in males and general fertility in females. This results in an increased desire for sex in both genders. Maca is an adaptogen, a natural product that adapts to the age and gender of the user and affects them accordingly. Although Maca is widely perceived as a libido supplement, the #1 consumer purchasing pure Maca (concentrated or powder) is menopausal women. Several articles testify that Maca is effective in eliminating hot flashes and moderating mood swings, which makes sense given its function in regulating hormone levels. Because Maca has only recently been brought to the attention of the industrialized world, there is still much to learn through clinical research about why this product has been used for thousands of years.


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