Super Sea Veg ® with VitaD and SeaCal by Scott Kennedy is FarmaSea Seal Approved


Product Description

This is the new Multi-nutritional dietary FOOD supplement. Each serving contains 450 mgs of the FarmaSea® Blend of Sea Plants. In addition, each serving (3 capsules) contains 2260 mgs of Vitamin D3 and 340 mgs of Aqua-Min® (Sea Cal®) which is a vegetable calcium derived from red sea plants. Sea Cal is the most bio-available and absorbable calcium on the market today, containing 90% Calcium and Magnesium in the perfect amounts, with the 10% remaining made up of trace minerals from red algae. Vitamin D is known to have far-reaching health benefits and is especially necessary for those people who do not receive an abundance of sunlight. Sea Plants, Calcium and Vitamin D make a perfect Multi-Nutritional Supplement! * Please see alternate product image for Ingredients.


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