T.J. Clark Original Colloidal Mineral Formula


Product Description

Original Colloidal Mineral Formula by T.J. Clark 32fl.oz. Liquid Colloidal minerals provide trace elements missing from modern diets due to modern agricultural practices less than optimal diets and soil depletion. Minerals are needed for the enzymes that are essential for a huge range of the body's needs. When proper balance is restored a startling variety of illness can be helped your specific response will depend on which minerals your body needs most. However research has shown that everyone will benefit from increased nutrient absorption (which increases the goodness' you receive from your food and vitamins and removal of toxic inorganic minerals like metallic aluminium and heavy metals Colloidal Mineral Formula Ingredients Known Essential Minerals Calcium Chloride Cobalt Chromium Magnesium Boron Manganese Molybdenum Selenium Iron Copper Phosphorus Sulphur Potassium Iodine and Zinc aluminium antimony barium boron beryllium bismuth bromine cadmium carbon cerium caesium cobalt dyspr


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