Thorne Research Veterinary - ModucareVET - 90


Product Description

ModucareVET is an exclusive blend of plant sterols and sterolins that help promote a balanced immune system. Plant sterols - phytosterols and their glycosides (also known as phytosterolins) - are fats that are present in fruits, vegetables, and other plants. Beta-sitosterol (BSS) and its glycoside (BSSG) are the most abundant of these plant sterols. BSS and BSSG, even at very low levels, have been shown to enhance the activity of various cells in the body recognized as having positive immune system activity. ModucareVET improves the balance of T-helper 1 to T-helper 2 cells, and, as a result, enhances cellular immunity and down-regulates overactive immune responses. ModucareVET supplementation also helps maintain a normal ratio of the adrenal hormones cortisol and DHEA, subsequently buffering negative stress responses. The potential of Moducare® to support immune health in a group of volunteers participating in an ultra-marathon was investigated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Subjects in the Moducare group maintained a healthier immune response compared to individuals taking the placebo, as indicated by cortisol levels that did not increase in response to the exercise stress in those taking Moducare.


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