Anabol Naturals Fat Burner Stack: Amino GHReleasers 240 caps & L-Carnitine 60 caps (2 month supply)


Product Description

The Fat Burner Stack is a kit comprised of two of Anabol Naturals' premium quality products critical for enhancing metabolism: Amino GHReleasers and L-Carnitine. Amino GHReleasers FOR ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE, BODY SCULPTING AND HEALTHY AGING. L-Arginine, L-Lysine, L-Ornithine, L-Glutamine, and B-6, a dynamic formula based on findings at Rome Medical Clinic V. How can you bring out lean muscle and strip away subcutaneous body fat, without losing muscle size? The answer: scientifically formulated Amino GHReleasers. In combination with your workouts and diet, your payoff is granite muscularity and cut. +Fat to energy conversion +Cut +Mass +Definition +Size. L-CARNITINE FOR ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE, BODY SCULPTING AND HEALTHY AGING. L-CARNITINE is an amino acid found in high concentrations in heart and liver tissues where it is involved in metabolizing fatty acids into energy in the mitochondria. L-Carnitine is a powerful fat burner and fat metabolism regulator. In promoting maximal uptake of fats and by increasing fat oxidation for energy, L-Carnitine helps produce ATP, a high energy compound that powers muscle contraction. Increased energy enables intensive and extended workouts, promoting the fat burning process for that cut-up, hard body look. Research suggests that L-Carnitine's role in energy generation is beneficial in supporting the continuous workload of the heart muscle. +Lower Bodyfat levels +Endurance +Definition +Cut +Heart Health.


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