Maximum Living: Mineralrich, 32 oz


Product Description

When it comes to groundbreaking advances in technology, nothing compares to the remarkable design of the human body. Equipped with well-organized internal systems working side by side, we are without a doubt engineered for a lifetime of performance.

The best performance, however, is reserved for those making healthy lifestyle choices. Wholesome choices that include a regular and balanced supply of nutrient-rich fuel is the best way to ensure that your body has the necessary nourishment to perform exactly as designed Ñ remarkably!

MineralRich is a liquid mineral supplement that provides natureÕs blend of over 70 trace minerals, essential minerals, combined with vitamins B12 and biotin, in solution for effective and rapid absorption.

MineralRich contains proportionate amounts of naturally-occurring elements like magnesium for muscles; calcium and boron for strong bones and teeth; along with copper, zinc, and silica for healthy hair, skin, and nails.


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