Restorex Tea Pill (Ba Zhen Wan) 200 Pills X 12


Product Description

Restorex Tea Pill (Ba Zhen Wan). Packing: 200 concentrated pills (160mg each) / bottle. Manufactured by Lanzhou Traditional Herbs, China. This is a patent remedy based on the ancient recipe "Ba Zhen Tang" (Eight Precious Ingredients Decoction; Eight Treasure Decoction) in TCM originally appeared in Cataloged Essentials for Correcting the Body (Zheng Ti Lei Yao), which is primarily used for tonifying qi and blood in cases of deficiency both of qi and blood, pale complexion, dizziness, dim eye-sight, lassitude of limbs, shortness of breath, disinclination to talk, palpitation, insomnia, pale tongue with thin and whitish coating, thready and feeble pulse.


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