How to increase insulin sensitivity naturally and prevent type 2 diabetes

Posted: Thursday, June 12, 2014

Insulin sensitivity is the relationship of how much insulin is required to be produced in order to deposit a given amount of glucose. Is is how effectively the body is using insulin to reduce the elevated blood glucose levels. A greater efficiency is said to have more “sensitivity” – a small amount of insulin is required to be secreted to deposit a certain amount of glucose. A poorer efficiency said to be more “resistant” – a lot of insulin has to be secreted to deposit the same amount of glucose. When your body is not good at using insulin to reduce your blood glucose levels, insulin resistance is a major risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes.

Here are some ways you can increase insulin sensitivity and also make it easier to lose body fat.


Exercise reduces blood glucose and plasma insulin levels in the body for days afterwards. When you exercies a higher number of GLUT4 translocate to the muscle cells in contrast to the fat cells. This results in a better ability to store glucose in muscle tissue without the presence of insulin.

Cut back on fructose

Fructose is “fruit sugar”. Fructose is one of the main culprits in table sugar that is metabolised by the liver leading the stimulation of lipogenesis (fat formation) and causes insulin resistance, not glucose. Fructose can also be ingested from processed food sources in the form of corn syrup (HFCS). Avoiding processed foods and you can eliminate fructose from your diet.

Cut out Trans Fat

Trans fats are man-made fats used to extend product shelf life. They are horrendous for overall health and have been shown to inhibit glucose disposal, promote insulin resistance and increase abdominal fat.

Improve your Omega 6 & 3 Balance

Everyone knows the importance of maintaining essential fatty acids, in insulin sensitivity you have to try and maintain a balance. Increasing the amount of Omega 3 fats through cold water fish, grass-fed beef and/or supplements such as Omega 3 Fish Oil’s. Decrease the consumption of Omega 6 oils such as sunflower oil, corn oil and fried foods.

Green Tea

Similar to exercise, Green Tea significantly reduces the glucose taken up by fat tissue. It also stimulates the glucose uptake in muscles. Green tea improves insulin sensitivity by increasing GLUT4 translocation in muscle tissue.

EGCG is a catechin antioxidant believed to be responsible for the majority of health benefits in green tea.


Cinnamon is a great tasting spice that can be used in many foods. It has been shown to exhibit positive nutrient partitioning effects. Numerous studies have shown that it helps to increase insulin sensitivity and lower your blood glucose levels.

Available in Natural Cinnamon Capsules or in powder form as Reds & Greens, Apple Cinnamon.

Up The Fiber Intake

Increasing the bodies dietary fiber intake for just a mere 3 days will significantly improve your entire insulin sensitivity. Fiber intake is also inversely correlated with the risk of developing type II diabetes. A diet higher in fiber is benefically and can increase your insulin sensitivity while reducing your risk of type II diabetes.

Eat the RDA of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is the fat soluble antioxidant that fights free radicals. A lower concentration of Vitamin E in your bloodstream will place you in higher risk of insulin resistance. Supplementation of Vitamin E will increase your glucose disposal and insulin action.


There is a constant improvement in supplements that may increase insulin sensitivity. These supplements are namely:


Coupled with a healthy diet and some exercise these measures should help you regain control of your insulin sensitivity.



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